One of the leading problems with the modern horror movies is that they have stopped scaring people; rather they have gone to gross bloodshed and torture. “The Saw” movie for example would leave you disgusted rather than scared. The Conjuring, just like horror movies in the old days, reminds us that on screen acting can actually scare the fans. This film claims that it is based on true story and it stars Patrick Wilson and Vera Farminga as a married couple. This couple are ghostbusters and renowned for their supernatural research. They have gained immense success as ghostbusters. In the year 1971 they are recruited by Roger and Carolyn Perron who had moved into a new home situated in Rhode Island. Soon after moving in the couple found that their five daughters were terrorized by unexplained bruises, strange smells and at times visions of dead people.
James Wan uses the camera expertly to imbibe fear into the scenes. The music and other sound effects also add to the horror elements. Though you may have seen dusty basements and creaking floorboards many times, but the movie makes you fear these. Though I am not easily scared by a horror movie (getting scared quickly is Mr. Oak’s department) but at times I found myself quite scared.
The Conjuring takes us back to the best 70’s era horror movies which made us feel eerie. I (Mark Brewer) would suggest you to not miss this movie on the Halloween’s weekend.
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